Flying High at 100 Years Old!
Moravian Hall Square resident Winston Orsinger, who goes by Bill, recently celebrated his 100th birthday with a special flight out of Braden Airpark in Forks Township. Bill’s love of flying began when he enlisted in the Army Air Corps after graduating Hirsch Metropolitan High School in 1942. After being called to serve his country in February 1943 Bill underwent training to be a pilot flying many planes, including BT-6s, Boeing Cadets, and AT-11s. He earned his bars and wings in April 1944. Bill went on to spend time at the Army Air Corps field in Texas, where he had the opportunity to fly larger planes – B-17s and B-29s. The war ended before Bill was deployed overseas, and he completed his duties with the Air Corps in 1946.
Bill went on to live a very full life. After going into a career in engineering, his jobs took him to live in many locations in the U.S. – Seattle, WA; Anchorage and Fairbanks, AK; Chicago, IL; and finally, Nazareth, PA. While he had great success in several engineering roles, his family has always been his greatest joy. Bill was blessed with a son, two daughters, and four stepchildren. His family has continued to grow with the addition of grandchildren. Bill remained in his home in Bushkill Township, Nazareth, until he moved to Moravian Hall Square with his wife Mary Ann in 2022.
When Bill’s friend (and Moravian Hall Square Team Member) Lawrence Voll suggested they should take a drive to Braden Airpark to check out the planes housed there, Bill didn’t expect that he would fly in one. With a little help from Community Fun & Engagement’s Doreen Connelly, it happened! She reached out to the airport and was fortunate to connect with David DaSilva owner of Spirit Wings Aviation, and Mike Whooley, a pilot from Nazareth, who were willing to help Bill celebrate his milestone birthday. Bill’s daughter Tracy Schwoyer, with Doreen, Lawrence and his wife Brenda arrived at the airport to wave him off on a beautiful August morning. Bill even assisted pilot Mike in completing the pre-flight safety checks before climbing on board. They enjoyed a memorable flight over the Lehigh Valley and the Poconos.
It was the perfect day to celebrate this remarkable centenarian. Happy 100th Birthday Bill!

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