Donor Recognition

“I have been acquainted with Morningstar Living for quite some time. My dad made Moravian Hall Square his home when we all agreed he needed more support, services and socialization than he was able to get at his home. Our family saw him thrive as he was dubbed “mayor of the neighborhood” by the staff and his new neighbors. My siblings and I happily support the Good Samaritan fund for the residents who need some financial assistance. It is a small way to express our appreciation for those happy days my dad enjoyed.”
-Beth Ann Kowalski

Donor Recognition

We really like to say THANK YOU!

Morningstar Living gratefully acknowledges all gifts while honoring the privacy of the donor. A general listing of donors is published periodically during the year. Special recognition is given to donors for significant annual giving and lifetime cumulative giving.

There are several Donor Societies which honor annual, lifetime and estate giving. Our faithful donors are often surprised that their giving has resulted in meeting a benchmark for inclusion in one of our societies. We are grateful for the giving spirit of all donors whether gifts are large or small. Each gift adds to the efforts of enriching the lives of those served by Morningstar Living.


Current Society Members

Harvest Friends Society Members

*Indicates deceased during the fiscal year period.


Heritage Circle Society


Eastern District of the Moravian Church NP

Friends of Hall Square

Moravian Larger Life Foundation

Kathleen Pegg

Margenett Schleifer


United Brethrens Church on Staten Island



Kathy Heller
Bonnie & Larry Kern
David & Shelby Swartley

Legacy Giving Society

*Individuals who have shared their intent to make a planned gift.

George & Elaine Lewis

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